Thursday, October 9, 2008 Front Page Treasury

I found out today that one of our Etsy listings had been featured in a treasury on the Etsy front page!!! How exciting is that???

For those who are not Etsy patrons I’ll explain what this means.

When you log on to on the first page you see there are several windows with pics of items. You will notice all these items fit together, either by style, color or some other theme. There will be a title for the collection and a curator.

These collections are called treasuries. Sellers and buyers from all corners of Etsy can create a treasury made of 12 listings (with a couple back up items in case of sales) and add them to the main treasury list.

It’s not easy to get a treasury on the list; you can only add a new list when the number of current lists drops below 333. Your timing has to be spot on!

Curators take lots of care in choosing the items they want to feature in their treasuries making them a living art collage right on Etsy.

Getting a treasury listed is hard enough. I’ve been toying with one or two layouts but, haven’t hit the timing right yet. I couldn’t imagine making one and then to have it chosen by Etsy Admin for the Etsy front page!!!

So imagine my shock when I was Googling around earlier today and Googled our store name and found this link: Holly molly Etsy fans, we were included in a treasury that was actually on the front page of on 8/28/08.

Photobucket Our front page rug!

We never knew! I seriously just found this today by accident. How cool is that!!

Our sherbert cotton facial scrubbies were included another treasury by TLCbyStephanie called Sweet Sherbert. TLCbyStephanie let us know of our inclusion and we could not have been more pleased with how beautiful her treasury turned out.

Set of 8 sherbert facial scrubbies Photobucket

I believe it’s a real honor to be included in a treasury. It means that another Etsian valued our item and the photographing of it so much that they wanted it included in their treasury collection. I just think that says a lot. And, it makes me feel very good about what I create.


Holy Moly was right. We were dinking around doing something else. I was on the phone with her and she starts screaming WE ARE ON THE FRONT PAGE! (I was looking but didn't see us) that was all she could say for five minutes so after I got her calmed down enough she explained it was on 8/29/08. It was still very exciting but I don't know that my computer enjoyed being refreshed that much. Thank you to everyone because I got to tell my tween see we are cool.


Rick said...

Great rug - very pretty!

The Chameleons Attic said...

Thank you, I really enjoyed making that rug. P

Light Harmony Gratitude said...

Congratulations on being featured on Etsy's front page twice! You're moving on up! Thanks for commenting on my first post!
LHG :shop:
LHG :blog:

The Chameleons Attic said...

Actully we were only on the front page once but, included in two different treasuries. Still SOOOOO exciting.