Wednesday, October 29, 2008

About our Etsy Shop, TheChameleonsAttic

If you’ve already checked out our shop you’ve probably noticed one thing off the bat. It’s eclectic. The other thing you may have noticed is our pricing. It’s very reasonable. At least we think our shop is full of lots of different and wonderful items priced at very affordable rates.
I wanted to talk about our shop and hopefully give our customers some insight as to why our shop is set up the way it is.

The first thing to keep in mind is that our shop is a collaborative effort. All our notebooks are made by both Deidre and me. We have a lot of fun doing the notebooks and have been working on some new ideas. We also have items that are made or presented by each of us as individuals. In the listings you find details on which of us made the item.

When we thought about opening our shop we knew we would have different kinds of items because we are always trying something new. This means our shop looks a little eclectic. You will always find the hand crafted items we love, like our rugs, you will also find new and different items.

We thought long and hard about including our Vintage Cupboard in The Chameleons Attic vs. opening another store just for vintage items. We chose to combine our hand crafted items with our vintage items because we felt we would be better able to serve our customers with one shop then being divided by two shops.

All vintage and antique items have been put in our Vintage Cupboard. Before including the items we verify to the best of our ability that the items are vintage. Most are considered antiques and have probably been either part of my home or my mother’s home. I love going to auctions with my mom and finding treasures. Now I have a place to share those treasures…So, I can get new treasures!

You will also find in our store a section just for creative supplies. Many times we find we have more then we need. Ok, what really happens is our husbands say we have clear out some stuff before we can get more stuff. Those pesky husbands!

Often we are able to reclaim fabrics or notions but don’t have a need for them. So from time to time you’ll find buttons, lace, fabric, felted wool or denim lot listed. Oh, and there will be lots of things from my mother’s house as I clean out her closets. There are already two great fabrics listed.

We’ve had a lot of comments about our pricing. I think we’ve actually been disappointed about the comments we’ve received. We’ve been told our pricing is too low, that it makes our products seem like they are of lesser quality.

Why have we priced our items so low? We don’t think they are low. We feel like we are priced at exactly what the current market can handle. Our feeling is this, we would rather make a little bit less on our items and sell them and have our buyers feel like they got a value and want to come back to buy more.

We believe this is a better plan then pricing them higher and risking not selling anything because they aren’t affordable. We understand things are tight all over. We understand our items are luxury items. We want people to feel like they can buy an item from us and not feel guilty for spending too much money.

This doesn’t make the quality of our items any less. They same hard work and hand care goes in to each item weather offered at $100.00 or at $50.00. Which would you rather pay?
Take a moment to go look at our shop. And, if you fee like it, buy yourself a treat!!


Yes when husband's lose what little man space they have it is time to part with projects that we have conquered and have excess of.

When people comment on our pricing they always say to me what is your time worth. Well I like to keep my hands busy so if we are watching a movie or I am visiting with friends I am doing something. I value that I am able to this and that my friends and family understand so I cannot put a price on the time that I spend doing this. I cover my supplies and a little extra for my next project. I have many projects that I have not been completely satisfied with and have learned from those stay in my house.

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